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Love is a ray of sunshine with this sunshine-fresh sunflower bouquet. Crafted with love and care, that brings waves of happiness with sunflowers in sweet harmony with carnations, chrysanthemum pom-pom button, Thlaspi green bell, and caspia. Each blossom radiates warmth and brings a touch of sunshine to any celebration or occasion.It's the perfect gift bouquet for anyone who needs it.

Sunshine Fresh Sunflower Bouquet

  • 🌻 2 stalks of fresh sunflowers, 5 stalks of fresh carnations, and 5 stalks of fresh chrysanthemum pom-pom button matched with fillers Thlaspi green bell and caspia.

    🎁 Wrap with premium waterproof flower paper wrapper, and tied with satin ribbon (color may vary)

    📝 Free handwritten message card

    🕑 Delivery within Klang Valley / Self-collection

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